Since the moment I heard about Between the Lines, I’ve been itching to read it and, yes, I was jealous of the 13 year old at Jodi’s book talk (the one I went to back in March) who got an advanced reader’s copy, for free, from Jodi. But I waited like a proper adult until it came out and then read it within two days. It’s a story about a loner, Delilah, who reads and rereads a children's fairy tale memorizing every word until one day the story changes. The main character, Prince Oliver, comes to life and explains that he and the rest of the characters are actually real people stuck within the book, having to play their roles over and over again. Oliver so desperately wants to escape his routine life and Delilah, having fallen for his character many readings ago, really wants to help him get out. It’s an adorable and charming story and any fan of Jodi's with children should be excited to read this with them.
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