Consider this statistic for a moment: there are 1.3 billion people in the world living on $1 a day and 70% of those people are women. In 2003, social worker Stacey Edgar felt a universal need to help these women and jumpstarted Global Girlfriend, a market for women worldwide to fairly trade their handmade goods. With a $2,000 tax return and the determination to help impoverished women, Edgar has grown a multimillion dollar enterprise. Global Girlfriend details Edgar’s steps along the way. The many stories and names you’ll read are just the tip of the iceberg when you realize all the hard work that has been put into each and every trade, product, and sale. Edgar has built her business on three core values: the products must be made by women, fairly traded, and eco-friendly.
It is inspiring to see how women can help change the lives of other women just by changing the way they shop. Whether you want to buy eco-friendly products or help women across the world, or both, you should check out the website for Global Girlfriend. By giving women the opportunity and outlet to work and create their products, Edgar (and all of us) can increase a woman’s income and economic security. This translates to better access to basic needs, opportunities in education for their children, better economic stability for their community, and oftentimes protection against sex-trafficking.
Pretty amazing.
Also check out GreaterGood, where you can click to give.
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